Barcelona labyrinth park Pictures

Open since 1791, the oldest park in Barcelona, where love and mythology share the hectares of gardens, statues, fountains and sculptures, is located on the heights of the city. The magnificent Horta Labyrinth Park, Barcelona's must-see site, contains a labyrinth made entirely of bushes.
  More info on the Horta Labyrinth Park Barcelona
  How to get to the Labyrinth Park by metro

parc barcelone labyrinthe
parc labyrinthe horta barcelone photos
parc labyrinthe Barcelone
parc Horta labyrinthe
labyrinthe Horta Barcelone
Barcelone parc labyrinthe Horta
parc labyrinthe de Barcelone
Labyrinthe Barcelone Horta
entrée parc labyrinthe Barcelone

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Barcelona labyrinth park Virtual visit of the Horta Barcelona labyrinth

From the photos of the Horta labyrinth to the top of the Tibidabo park, passing through Parc Guell and other must-see sites lulled by the artistic influence of Gaudi, Dali, and Picasso, take a virtual tour of Barcelona in photos and start planning your next vacation in Barcelona.

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