Barcelona Plaça de Sants metro stop

Barcelona Plaça de Sants line 5 metro stop
  • Access to Barcelona Sants district / Plaça de Sants
  • Access to Espanya Industrial park
  • Exit to Carrer de Sants
  • Exit to Passeig de Sant Antoni
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    Plaça de sants Barcelona metro station

    Plaça de Sants metro station

    A stone's throw from Barcelona's Sants station, the Plaça de Sants metro stop takes you to the neighbourhood of the same name.

    • Connection with metro : line L1.
    • More links : Bus H10, D20, N2, N14, N28, 52
    • Connection with train : none
    • Next station : metro Sants Estacio
    • Previous metro station : Badal

    From Barcelona Plaça de Sants metro stop :

    Espanya Industrial park

    Espanya Industrial park

    Built in 1985 on the foundations of a textile factory, the architect Luis Peña Ganchegi represented water, earth and fire around the chimneys of the old factory. The Espanya Industrial Park groups together a wide variety of bird species around an artificial lake.

      where are the most beautiful parks in Barcelona

    Barcelona rambla de sants garden

    Rambla de Sants Garden

    A very large promenade stretching from the Santa Eulalia metro station to the Plaça de Sants where sports facilities and children's attractions accompany the walk in the heart of the Sants district.

      Virtual walk in the Barcelona green spaces

    Barcelona Sants

    Sants street Barcelona

    Located in the Sants-Montjuïc district, in the south-west of the city centre, the Calle de Sants is one of Barcelona's most iconic, longest and busiest shopping streets, where small shops, and well-known names, restaurants, cafés and local festivities share the distance that allows them to reach Plaça Espanya or the Collblanc district.

    Upgrade your stay

    Barcelona unlimited travel pass
    Barcelona city tour Barcelona tourist bus Barcelona tourist bus tickets
    pack Barcelona essentials

    BCN Essentials pass

    How to visit the essentials of Barcelona

    The "Barcelona Essentials pass" offer which not only includes fast-track entry to the Sagrada Familia and its interior museum, but also ticket-free access to the monumental area of Parc Guell, as well as unlimited access for 2 to 5 days to Barcelona's public transport network (metro, tram, bus, Montjuic funicular, etc.).

      How does this pass work
      Book this pass online

    From Barcelona Plaça de Sants metro station

    From Plaça de Sants metro station to the airport

    To reach Barcelona airport from Plaça de Sants metro station, take line 1 (red line) in the direction of Hospital de Bellvitge and get off at the Torrassa stop to connect with the Barcelona airport metro line (line 9) which stops at terminals T1 and T2.
    Not all Barcelona metro tickets give access to the metro stations of the airport del Prat. Please check if your ticket allows you to do so.

    From Plaça de Sants to Sagrada Familia

    To get to the Sagrada Familia from Plaça de Sants metro station, simply take line 5 (blue line) towards Vall d'Hebron and get off at the Sagrada Familia stop.

    From Plaça de Sants to Plaça Catalunya

    To get from Plaça de Sants to Plaça Catalunya by metro, take the red line (line 1) towards Fondo, from Plaça de Sants metro station to the Catalunya stop, which takes you to the foot of Barcelona's most famous square, as well as the Ramblas, Passeig de Gracia and the Gothic Quarter.

    How to get to the Camp Nou stadium from Plaça de Sants

    To get to the Camp Nou stadium from Plaça de Sants metro station, take line 5 (blue) towards Cornella and get off at the Collblanc stop.

    From Plaça de Sants metro stop to the beaches

    The access to the beaches of Barcelona from the metro station Plaça de Sants can be reached by taking line 1 in the direction of Fondo and getting off at the stop Urquinaona and continuing with line 4 until Ciutadella Vila Olimpica station.
    You can also get to Barcelona's beaches from Plaça de Sants station by taking line 5, changing at the Verdaguer stop and continuing with line 4 (yellow).

    From Plaza de Sants to Guell Parc

    Parc Guell can be reached by the green line (line 3) at Lesseps or Vallcarca stations. To get there from Plaça de Sants, take either line 1 to Espanya or line 5 to Sants Estacio.
    Barcelona Plaça de Sants metro stop
    Barcelona plaza de sants metro photos
    Barcelona Plaça de Sants metro stop
    Barcelona Plaça de Sants subway station

    Barcelona metro guide


     Barcelona metro tickets

    Barcelona metro ticket prices
    A wide choice of subscriptions, cards and Barcelona metro fares for all kinds of stays and trips in the Catalan capital.

     Barcelona Metro hours

    barcelona metro timetables
    By day and night, from Monday to Friday, weekend or public holiday, the metro of Barcelona adapts its hours all year round.

     Barcelona metro map

    Barcelona metro map with monuments
    From one tourist site to another, which stations, connections and colours to choose among the twelve lines of Barcelona's metro network.
    Barcelona Plaça de Sants subway station
    Barcelona Plaça de Sants metro stop Barcelona line 5 Plaça de Sants metro station

    Welcome to the Sants district - Just ten minutes from the centre of Barcelona, and a few hundred metres from Plaza España and other unmissable monuments on Montjuic, the Sants district has all the charm of a village in Barcelona.

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