From Chinese restaurants to Vietnamese cuisine, from Taiwanese culinary specialties to fine Japanese dishes, the city of Barcelona abounds in good addresses of Asian restaurants where sushi, Peking duck, Cantonese rice and all kinds of chicken and soybean soups share the menus of the best tables.
A few steps away from Barcelona Cathedral, Le Bun Bo is an excellent Vietnamese restaurant in the centre of the city where the best traditions of the country are accompanied by cocktails in a very local decoration.C\ Sagristans, 3 - metro Urquinaona
How to get to Bun Bo Vietnam restaurantChinese or Taiwanese ; let yourself be guided by the excellent house specialties that the restaurant owners will propose you.
Calle Muntaner, 66 - Metro UrgellFor a guaranteed change of scenery in the heart of Barcelona, the 17 hectares of the Parc de la Ciutadella, strewn with museums, gardens, and the artificial lake of the Arc de Triomf at the Barcelona Zoo, offer beautiful walks to reach the Olympic port.
virtual walk in the Ciutadella ParkBordered by a very pleasant promenade that stretches from Christopher Columbus monument to Barceloneta, and reaches to the beaches of Barcelona, the Port Vell is the oldest port in the city.
Virtual trip to Barcelona old portOur animal friends are also one of the must-see attractions in Barcelona. At the foot of the Ciutadella Park and a few steps from the Olympic port, many species of animals are waiting for you at the Barcelona Zoological Park.
Barcelona Zoo virtual tour