Dishes, atmosphere and decor, discover the few addresses of restaurants that share all the flavours of oriental cuisine in Barcelona.
Located in the district of Montjuic, the Kasbah restaurant offers a wide variety of the best culinary specialties of Morocco and the Middle East in an authentic atmosphere.
How to get to the Barcelona Kasbah restaurantDishes, atmosphere and decoration ; the authenticity of a trip to the gates of the Moroccan desert around a good couscous without leaving Barcelona. .
C/ Blai, 46, 08004 Barcelona - metro Paral-lelClassified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, one of the masterpieces of Antoni Gaudi, the parc Guell, most visited park in Barcelona, is a huge garden divided into several floors littered with alleys, columns and mosaics.
Little preview of your next visitFrom its 184-metre height, which houses the remains of the 1992 Olympic Games as well as beautiful parks and museums, Montjuic Hill is one of Barcelona's most visited tourist sites, offering exceptional panoramic views.
Walk on Montjuic heightsBordered by a very pleasant promenade that stretches from Christopher Columbus monument to Barceloneta, and reaches to the beaches of Barcelona, the Port Vell is the oldest port in the city.
Virtual trip to Barcelona old port